I wish that the new LAUSD Superintendent would:

  • Sell the Beaudry headquarters, clean house of the long-standing bureaucrats who haven’t been to schools in decades and of the administrators who have top degrees and have never taught.
  • Abolish all formal, standardized testing except for the end-of-the-year tests which would be a maximum of two hours per student. One hour of Math and one hour of Language Arts.
  • Halt all new construction and new land purchases, and use the remaining construction bond money to fix up the schools—they surely need it.
  • Sell KLCS Channel 58, land, building, license, and equipment.
  • Close all rental offices and make sure that the local district offices are housed in empty classrooms. Each local district will consist of one administrator and one clerk—that’s all.
  • End all contracts with real estate, legal, and public relations firms.
  • Eliminate the costly and wasteful Language Arts and Math programs that depend on workbooks and photocopies and return to textbooks and paper and pencil work.
  • Terminate all LAUSD lobbyists.
  • Make sure that the school board members, and the remaining administrators are at schools four days a week. They will listen to the staffs, the students, and the parents and then we will meet one day a week to act on their concerns and to follow their suggestions. Have them talk to parents and to teachers to find out if there would be any benefits to restoring 6th grade to all elementary schools, recreating junior high for two or three years of learning, and possibly returning high schools to three years.
  • Remember that education is our product that the students are our biggest assets, and that the teachers must be treated with total respect, as they are the difference makers, they are the educators!