Two Candidates File to Seek Galatzan School Board Seat

LA School Report

CPPosted on April 24, 2014 11:30 am by Michael Janofsky

"Petersen’s candidacy represents his first run for public office.

'I’ve been thinking about it for a year,' he said in an interview, explaining that his prime motivation was encountering obstacles in his quest for help for two of his daughters with autism.

'It’s such a bureaucratic process with all the hoops they make you jump through,' he said. 'There’s a feeling throughout the district that the board doesn’t listen to parents. You see it in Breakfast in the Classroom, the iPads. They have a deaf ear to parents. Parents are speaking, but the board doesn’t listen.'

Petersen, 46, said his interest in running was not necessarily in protest of Galatzan. Not initially, anyway.

'At first it was more general,' he said. 'But then, I attended one of her community meetings about the budget. After listening to her, I was not impressed.'"

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