Headlines: LAUSD Earns High Marks For “Grab And Go”, Rough Financial Times Coming and More on Elections.
"Meanwhile, there’s still an election going on for LAUSD Board seats. Former candidate Carl Petersen skewers the attempt by charter school strategist Ben Austin to sustain an ‘anti-semitism sweepstakes’, falsely equating and comparing UTLA with the charter school lobby. During the primary season, anti-semitic flyers deluged board district 3 in the Valley and Austin claims these are subordinate to UTLA ads targeting high profile allies of Austin’s decades-long campaign to privatize public education."
Read the full article on the Los Angeles Education Examiner.
Ignoring "Safer at Home" directives, the LAUSD sends a team to determine how Shirley Ave. Elementary's facilities will be given away to a charter school.
Read the article on Medium.
Even In A Time Of Crisis, Charter Schools Push On With Their Invasion
With our school children facing unprecedented upheaval, the California Charter School Association refuses to put politics aside.
Read the article on Medium.
Did Marilyn Koziatek Accept An Illegal Campaign Contribution?
Complaint filed with Ethics Commission alleges that reducing the school board candidate’s job responsibilities without a salary reduction violates the law.
Read the article on Medium.
COVID-19 Kicks Trump's Presidency Between The Legs
Like the aliens in War of the Worlds, will the most unprepared president in American history be taken down by a virus?
Read the article on Medium.
It Is Time For "City Staffer B" To Come Clean
Now that his former boss has pleaded guilty, it is time for John Lee to reveal to his constituents if he is the person referred to in the indictment.
Read the article on Medium.
Another Charter School Attempts A Hostile Takeover
Shirley Elementary is the latest LAUSD school to find its campus under siege by Citizens of the World. When will the district fight back?
Read the article on Medium.
It Didn't Stay In Vegas: Is Councilman John Lee "City Staffer B"?
Voters in Los Angeles’ CD12 could be headed to the polls for the fourth time in a year as a City Councilman is implicated in a corruption scandal.
Read the article on Medium.
It's Not Easy Being Green
Abandoned by the Democrats, I took the #DemExit and looked for a home in the Green Party. It did not work out as well as I had hoped.
Read the article on Medium.