The Trumpification of the 2020 Election
Political campaigns have always bent the truth. In the Age of Trump, the lies don’t even have to make sense as long as they vilify the opponent.
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LAUSD School Board Candidate Silke Bradford: An 'F' on Charter School Oversight
As the former Director of the Charter School Office for LA County, LAUSD School Board Candidate Silke Bradford could provide insight into the renewal of the North Valley Military Institute. Does her failure to do so give an indication of what type of board member she would be?
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LAUSD District 3 Endorsement — Lifetime Educator Scott Schmerelson
The incumbent has a record of improving opportunities for children and is a far better choice than the charter profiteer or an inexperienced parent.
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Do Not “Pass” at the Polls
This feature would of course “help expedite the voting process” since voters using passes would not have to manually select any choices at the polls. Elections officials want short lines at polling places, so they’re quite fond of Poll Pass. “Unfortunately,” as Knock.LA blogger Carl J. Petersen put it last year, “the convenience of Poll Pass will come at a steep price for our democracy.”
Read the full article on the LA Progressive.
The Children Are Left Behind in LAUSD School Board Race
As the California Charter School Association and their allies spend millions on negative ads, education issues are swept aside.
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LAUSD District 7 Endorsement - Parent Patricia Castellanos
Castellanos’ experience will bring a unique voice to a board that currently lacks a parent whose child attends any of the district’s schools.
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City Council Candidate Seeks A Working Relationship with School District
As CD-14 voters prepare to go to the polls, candidate Cyndi Otteson explains how the city should work in collaboration with the LAUSD.
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Two CA-30 Congressional Candidates Answer Questions About Federal Education Policy
The top finishers from the last two elections did not respond, but CJ Bernina and Brian Carroll did provide information for the voters.
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The Challengers In The CA-29 Congressional Race Answer Questions About Federal Education Policy
The incumbent ignored the request, but challengers Angelica Duenas, Michael R. Guzik, and Brian Perras did provide information for the voters.
Read the article on Medium.