LAUSD Candidate Karla Griego on Inclusion and Diversity

If elected to the School Board, how would LAUSD Candidate Karla Griego address the issues of Anti-Semitism, homophobia, and programs in place to lower the number of black students receiving Special Education services?

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Looking Back At Scott Schmerelson's Nine Years On The School Board

How has this LAUSD School Board member Scott Schmerelson delivered on his promises for change during the nine years since winning his first election?

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They Really Don't Want Parental Input

If the development of the LAUSD’s plan for providing Special Education services is supposed to be collaborative, why are parents excluded?

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What Do Trump And Charter Schools Have In Common?

Independent auditors are meant to be gatekeepers of financial systems. Sham audit mills used by charter schools leave taxpayers unprotected.

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Charter School Division Finally Provides An Update

In the first update in over ten months, the LAUSD provides seven-month-old information showing that charter schools still owe $3,856,851 in past-due fees.

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Parents Vs. Teachers?

To provide the Special Education services that a student needs, the IEP team must work collaboratively, recognizing what each member brings to the table.

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Carl J. Petersen: The GOP Politician Who Is Tough Enough to Kill a Puppy

"Carl J. Petersen is a parent in Los Angeles who writes here about a politician who is mean enough and dumb enough to kill a 14-month dog. Cricket didn’t obey her orders so she took him to the bottom of a gravel pit and shot him in the head. Governor Kristi Noem of South Dakota justly earned national scorn for her act of animal cruelty."

Ravitch's blog: A site to discuss education and democracy

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Killing Puppies and Kicking Babies

In a political system upended by Trump do politicians think it is beneficial to brag about murdering their pets?

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LAUSD Candidate Forum: Inclusion and Diversity

School Board candidates were asked questions about how the LAUSD should address Anti-Semitism, homophobia, and Black Student Achievement. Will any of them answer?

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Celebrating Second Chances

Nicole and I met as I crawled out of one of the darkest times in my life. Today we celebrate 16 years of a second chance at wedded bliss.

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