They are controlling, do whatever they want to, and never apologize -- that is the LAUSD.
It doesn’t matter who the Superintendent is, who the Board of Education members are or who the top district administrators are.
The LAUSD does what it wants to and never apologies:
- MiSIS and the tens of millions of dollars needed to fix it.
- Using construction and repair money on iPads.
- Breakfast in The Classroom that parents fought against and teachers hate.
- The $166,000 former Superintendent Deasy spent on meals and travel.
- Starting school in August without input from the stakeholders.
Who can really work with LAUSD?
I have known parents that had to go to extreme lengths to try to do the right things for their children while the LAUSD fought them.
Teachers in Teacher Jail are left disillusioned, disenfranchised, and disheartened. Eventually they disappear from their schools forever; guilty even when proven innocent --
Because the LAUSD always thinks that they are right, are controlling, and never apologies.
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