Guest post by Ellen Lubic, Executive Director of Joining Forces 4Ed.
"It will be the incoming four BoE members, joining the other three, who will be making most of the decisions on these vital questions.
Here is a list of those who have filed to run...District 3, Tamar Galatzan, a lawyer, who faces six challengers. She has been a staunch Deasy supporter. Challengers are...Carl J. Petersen a business man who has been a vocal foe of Deasy...
It is imperative that voters all do their homework on each candidate, and support their choices openly. We have seen the influx of the huge donations to school board elections by billionaires, both in state and out of state, seeking to privatize our public schools for investment profits, so it is incumbent upon all LAUSD taxpayers, parents, and community members, to not be influenced by the big money manipulators, and to vote for the valid proponents of public education.
Start learning who these prospective BoE members are in terms of their backgrounds and whom they really will represent. We do not need any more Eli Broad, Walton Family, Bloomberg, Rupert Murdoch, etc. influence dominating LAUSD."
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