Isn’t it Time to Try Something Else?

If the district can’t get paper to the school, what are they good for?

- Candidate Tamar Galatzan, April 2007


A lot of my colleagues on the board keep telling me, ‘Tamar we understand that your schools don’t have a lot of money...they’re really struggling, they have bake sales in order to buy toilet paper.’”

- Incumbent Tamar Galatzan, November 2014

Tamar Galatzan has now been on the Los Angeles Unified School District’s Board of Education for over seven years and is now part of the status quo. Under her watch, MiSiS, a $13 million computer program to manage student data, was poorly designed and implemented. It will cost us $98 million to fix. She voted for the $1.3 billion plan to purchase iPads that diverted badly needed construction bond funding away from our schools. Taxpayers will be paying those bonds back, with interest, long after these gadgets have been consigned to the dump. With Ms. Galatzan on the Board, the district failed to protect students at Miramonte. This destroyed the innocence of those who were victimized and the financial settlement diverted $139 million from education funding.

Insanity: doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.”

Tamar Galatzan has had over seven years to bring change to the LAUSD. If we’re still holding fundraisers to purchase basic supplies, isn’t it time to try something else? I ask for your vote on March 3, 2015. For additional information about my candidacy, please visit