I always enjoyed July 4 as a day to celebrate our nation and to honor its heroes.
With an ignorant bully in the White House, it is hard to feel good about what is happening today. Trump seems eager to demolish the First Amendment and that’s bad for our nation and our future. He wants to remove environmental protection and allow the pillaging of our air, water, and lands. He wants to defund every social program that protects those who are in need while giving the military more money than it asked for.
But enough complaining! It is what it is!
Today I want to celebrate the everyday heroes across the nation who are fighting to protect public education against privatization.
I won’t remember all of them and I don’t know all of them, so I invite you to add the names of people you know in your district or state who are fighting to keep public schools public.
Today I honor the following...
Carl Petersen, Robert Skeels, Karen Wolfe, Ellen Lubic, Scott Schmerson, and all the other parents and educators in Los Angeles who keep hope alive for the survival of public schools in that billionaire-ridden city;