Resolution: Holding GHCHS Accountable to Their Charter

Whereas, Granada Hills Charter High School (GHCHS) is authorized through the Los Angeles Unified School District (LAUSD);

Whereas, “the charter authorizing entity is responsible for ensuring the charter school operates in compliance with all applicable laws and terms of its charter”;

Whereas, the GHCHS charter states that the school “shall not request or require submission of a student’s IEP, 504 Plan, or any other record or related information prior to admission, participation in any admissions or attendance lottery, or pre-enrollment event or process, or as a condition of admission or enrollment

Whereas, the LAUSD Charter School Division’s document entitled “Charter Schools’ Pre- and Post-Lottery Enrollment Forms Admissions Requirements and Materials” states that “requesting a copy of a student’s IEP or information contained in a student’s IEP during the pre-admission stage creates an inference...that the charter school may be using this information to ‘counsel out’ or otherwise discourage students with disabilities from seeking admission”;

Whereas, as of August 24, 2017, the web page entitled Enrollment For Incoming Students states that “If applicable, parents who provide 504 or IEP documentation can help GHCHS ensure continuity of services”;

Whereas, as of August 24, 2017, the enrollment entry page and the New Student Information page on the GHCHS website states that “504 and IEP documents are not required to enroll. However, providing these documents will assist GHCHS in providing a continuity of services”;

Whereas, the New Student Information page on the GHCHS website states that it is “subject to review and does not guarantee enrollment”, making it clear that it is a pre-enrollment event;

Whereas, in 2012, students with special needs compromised 6% of GHCHS’ student population compared to the nearest LAUSD school, Northridge Academy High School, with 14%.  In addition, the average for the state of California is 11.5%.

Whereas, federal and state funding for special education is provided based on the total number of students and is not calculated based on the number of actual students receiving these services.

Resolved, that the CSD is directed to immediately issue a Notice to Cure to GHCHS directing them to remove any requests for information not permitted by the law and prohibited  by their own charter, including the current requests for a student's IEP or 504 Plan;

Resolved, that, if the issues contained in the Notice to Cure are not resolved within 30 days, the CSD is directed to issue a Notice of Violation;

Resolved, that the Independent Auditor is directed to calculate the cost borne by the District due to GHCHS not having a proportional amount of students with special education needs during the time that their enrollment forms were not in compliance with their charter;

Resolved, that upon completion of the Independent Auditor’s report, the General Council’s office is directed to present a plan to the Board designating how they will recover these costs from GHCHS and other charters with similar disparities;

Resolved, that the CSD is directed to perform an analysis of each charter school under its jurisdiction to ensure that their enrollment and admission requirements are in compliance with all applicable laws, District rules and the terms of their charter;

Resolved, that the results of the above analysis will be published in a report that is provided on the CSD’s web pages;

Resolved, that the Superintendent is directed to provide a report at each Board meeting on the status of satisfying the requirements of this resolution until the Superintendent is able to confirm that all requirements have been fulfilled.