The Different Drummer

By Carl J. Petersen

Politics, Family, Music and other Musings.

Want A Win In November? The Ball Is In Pelosi's Court.

Trump and the GOP have proven that they have no interest in leading the country out of the COVID-19 crisis. Are the Democrats up to the task?

Read the article on Medium.


An Elected Representative's Anti-Semitic Rant


Northridge West Neighborhood Councilmember Kathleen Edwards invokes George Soros’ name in an attempt to silence those whom she disagrees with.

Read the article on Medium.


COVID By Numbers

Over 175,000 Americans have died of COVID-19. Trump supporters are still minimizing the threat. What do the numbers say?

Read the article on Medium.


Embattled City Councilman Is A No-Show

John Lee denies his constituents the opportunity to understand his connections to the developing Los Angeles corruption scandal.

Read the article on Medium.


Hydroxychloroquine Is The New Covfefe

Children blame others “to avoid disapproval and negative consequences." At 74 years old, Donald Trump just refuses to admit that anything is wrong.

Read the article on Medium.


Another Neighborhood Council Puts John Lee On The Agenda

On August 11, the Northridge West NC will consider a resolution regarding a Los Angeles Councilmember’s role in the corruption scandal.

Read the article on Medium.


Deputy City Attorney Tries To Shut Down Vote Holding City Councilmember Accountable

Northridge East Neighborhood Council overrules board president and votes to keep the resolution on the agenda despite “confidential” threats.

Read the article on Medium.


Will Neighborhood Council Ask John Lee If He Is “City Staffer B?”

Northridge East is expected to consider a resolution asking LA City Councilman if he is the city employee referenced in the federal indictment of his former boss.

Read the article on Medium.



I Am A Patriot (2020)

In Trump’s Divided States of America, patriotism is defined by blind obedience. This is the opposite of what is expected of true patriots.

Read the article on Medium.


George Floyd Is Just One Victim

George Floyd is only one victim of institutionalized racism and police brutality. How many others have been victimized beyond the reach of cameras?

Read the article on Medium.
