The Watchdog of LAUSD

For over seven years I wrote more than 650 articles for, an online site that is owned by a conservative who supports all that I oppose. For years I’ve wanted to find a non ad driven site to share my writing. Friday, they sent me a kiss off Email ending in “best wishes”. So here I am.

My intention has always been to tell the truth about LAUSD. I expanded my coverage to write about public education nationwide.

 There are a few of us who blog to share the truth about LAUSD and public education and there are Facebook groups that advocate for the positions that we take.

 Our readers are teachers, friends, and family. They already share our thoughts and our beliefs about LAUSD and public education.

 There are thousands of people out there who agree with everything that we write. There are also tens of thousands who are uninformed about what is going on, so they just accept the changes at their schools. Many of the uninformed get their information from the newspapers, T.V., and radio stations—ignorers of the truth, supporters of the status quo, and defenders of the establishment.

 We voted for the school board members to represent our interests and beliefs and to look out for our children. Instead, they represent the interests of the Superintendent who represents the interests of his billionaire masters.

 There are always so many issues, so many controversies. Just recently, iPads versus school repairs; MiSIS; the closed school libraries; decreasing the teaching time of itinerant orchestra teachers; LAUSD teachers going eight years without a raise; teachers sitting in teacher jails for months without knowing why they are incarcerated, when the real reasons are their seniority, their top of the pay scale salaries, and the fact that they are close to retirement and retirement benefits.

 Many of the LAUSD school board members are there for name recognition in order to obtain higher elective offices. While LAUSD burns, they better themselves.

 Meanwhile, the billionaires will swoop down and acquire the school land, sending the students to for profit charter schools, thus benefiting themselves in two ways.

 The media, the local politicians, and the civic leaders will stand there with their arms spread wide to indicate their innocence and the fact that they didn’t know and that they couldn’t do anything as the sky was falling on LAUSD.