Together We Can Change The LAUSD

It's about a disastrous year for the nation's second-largest school district, which has managed — thanks to bungling, sloth and political squabbling — to let down more than 600,000 students.

- Steve Lopez, Los Angeles Times

Our students and the taxpayers cannot afford another year like the one we just had:

  • When temperatures soared in September, students were left with stifling classrooms as the district logged “nearly 500 calls for service for older air-conditioning systems.” Meanwhile, the district continued to divert $1.3 billion that the voters approved for badly needed construction and repairs to purchase iPads and other consumer items.
  • In May the District was ordered to pay a $6,000 penalty for falsely stating that they were “not aware of any responsive photographs” in the Miramonte civil cases. The district eventually settled with the plaintiffs for $139 million, diverting badly needed money from the education of our students.

Insanity: doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.”

The current Board has had their chance to fix our broken system and failed miserably. In fact, they have made it worse. It is time for some new blood. As a father of five, with four children enrolled in the district, I have a personal interest in improving the district for all students. Together we can bring the changes that are needed in the LAUSD:

  • Eliminate layers of bureaucracy so that parents, teachers and staff have more say at the local level.
  • Institute real reforms so that the Superintendent is accountable to the stakeholders.
  • Eliminate the reliance on standardized testing to evaluate anything but how students can be helped.

For more detailed information about my platform, please visit You can also contact me at [email protected] if you have any questions, comments or suggestions.

Thank You,
