
The_Petersens.jpgNot one of the seven current LAUSD Board members currently has a child enrolled in the District. With this lack of representation, is it a surprise that too many parents feel that they do not have a voice in the operation of  the District? Two of my children have graduated from the LAUSD and I have triplets who are still enrolled. I can bring a parent's perspective that is sorely missing from Board discussions.

In the 2015 School Board elections, the charter industry spent nearly $2.3 million trying to influence policy in the “nation’s most expensive school board elections”. They have already donated $119,858.40 to help Mónica García stay in power and protect the status quo. Changing the LAUSD will require people power to overcome this financial disadvantage. No matter where your live, I ask for your help in the battle to save public education in Los Angeles. You can join the fight at http://www.changethelausd.com/endorse_carl.

Thanks for your support!
