Who is Choosing Who? A Charter School Places Barriers to Entry
Granada Hills Charter High School not only requires incoming students to attend a summer program, but they also make it as inconvenient as possible for incoming students and their families.
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Bernie Sanders Takes a Sledgehammer to Student Debt
While Bernie Sanders' plan would eliminate all student debt, is this really the fairest way to address a $1.6 trillion problem?
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School Board Member Strikes Out in Attempt to Change Board Rules
For the third time, Nick Melvoin is unable to get his fellow LAUSD board members to vote on a project that he has been working on for over two years.
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The Death of Community?
Is there any hope for the future of the country when we have lost the ability to empathize with our neighbors?
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The High Cost of the Trump Presidency
America was already bitterly divided when Trump became the 45th occupant of the Oval Office. Then he threw kerosene on the fire.
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A Father, a Son, and the Next Generation
For 19 years I was lucky enough to celebrate Father’s Day from both sides of the holiday. Like a lot of things in life, I do not think that I appreciated how special that was until it was gone. I was a bridge between two generations, both shaping the man that I am today. Through that bridge flowed the lessons of the past and the promise of tomorrow.
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Vote on LAUSD Rules Changes Delayed Again
For the second time, Nick Melvoin’s attempts to change the LAUSD Board rules have been pulled from the agenda before a vote could be taken.
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An Ordinary Mom (With a Degree in Astrophysics) Takes On the Status-Quo
Loraine Lundquist’s first-place showing in an LA City Council race was a bright spot in a week that highlighted the new normal that we live in.
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A School District Tried to Secure a Source of Funding and All It Got Was a Bill for $12.5 Million
LAUSD Superintendent Austin Beutner presented a parcel tax resolution without getting input from the public. The voters rejected his proposal.
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Measure EE Puts Your LAUSD Child First
- Measure EE
When the business interests opposing Measure EE state that the parcel tax will “compound the affordable housing problem”, I can not help but wonder how many of these same people also worked against California Proposition 10 in last year’s election. Had this proposal passed it would have allowed “local governments to adopt rent control on any type of rental housing.” This would have given local governments a powerful tool in combating the affordable housing problem and gentrification. Unfortunately, the nearly $100 million spent against Proposition 10 helped to ensure its defeat. As a result, most local governments in California are still prohibited from enacting rent control.
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